Answered By: Scott Lapinski
Last Updated: Aug 11, 2022     Views: 242

Harvard Library uses the NCBI's Outside Tool to direct users to licensed full-text articles from PubMed. This feature appears as "Try Harvard Library" links in PubMed's abstract view. The links are available when you use the PubMed link on the Countway home page. However, you can set your MyNCBI account to always display these links, regardless of how you come to PubMed, by making a change in your MyNCBI settings. To make the change, open up your MyNCBI account page and:

To make the change, open up your MyNCBI account Dashboard.

1) follow the "NCBI Site Preferences" link in the upper right. (This is a small submenu item under the header)

2) On the left of the preferences page, find the "Outside Tool" option under the "PubMed Preferences" section. Click on "Outside Tool."

3) Choose Harvard from the list of institutions.


You can only have one institution active. So - If you'd like to use your hospital's Outside Tool, you can still get access to Harvard-licensed material by using either Harvard’s instance of Lean Library:

Or to create a “check Harvard Library” bookmark:

Both tools will let you use the publisher’s link in PubMed and will automatically redirect the article through our proxy server.

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